— In Cornelia Vera Maria Fröhlich’s paintings natural colors of the face are taken and then developed into a color that corresponds to her image of man. She endeavors to take back the color to its materiality, and tries to create the effect of physicality on the materiality of the canvas. Initially, she applies raw, unbleached linen or jute fabric. Later on, she begins to color the paintings independently and develop the ground color of the faces from the colored tone.
— Cornelia Vera Maria Fröhlich has the greatest care for her works. Driven by the pressure to reach artistic perfection, she works meticulously on her paintings and on herself. She is now 29 years old and she stands at the beginning of her career as a painter but her “Fog Spaces”, her seascapes and her portrait series are far more than mere samples of her talent. They bear witness to creative potential of the artist, to her wealth of ideas and her creative will, stamped by humanistic ethos. Her works are unmistakably hers; they are distinctly Cornelia Vera Maria Fröhlich’s creations carrying her uncomplicated, relaxed, and straightforward signature.
You can read the complete article written by Dr. Peter Schütt as PDF here.
Since 2014
worked as a freelance artist
2011 – 2013
Master of Arts in Art Education
Rating: A (Note 1)
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel
2008 – 2011
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts
Academy Lucerne Design & Art
— Gallery Vogtei, Zürich (CH)
— Art Week Basel: Artexpo Basel 23
— Das kleine Format #34, Villa Meyer–Severini, Zürich
— Gallery Vogtei live, Herrliberg (CH)
— Showroom Villa Meyer – Severini, Zurich (CH)
— Gallery Gluri Suterhuus, Wettingen (CH)
— Showroom Villa Giarvino (IT)
— Gallery 9a, Bern (CH)
— Showroom Villa Meyer – Severini, Zurich (CH)
— Pashmin Art Gallery Shanghai, China
— KKO Art Space Olten, Olten (CH)
— Museum of Contemporary Art Peking, China
— Pashmin Art Gallery Shanghai, China
— JKON, Olten (CH), Winner of the Fine Arts Promotion Prize
— Art Miami, Miami (USA)
— Collectiv Leinenlos, Lucerne (CH)
— Forum for young art, Zug (CH)
— Exhibition hall, Basel (CH)
— Showroom Klingenthal, Basel (CH)
— Exhibition hall Lucern, Lucerne (CH)
— Showroom Erfrischungsraum, Lucerne (CH)
— Showroom Salzmagazin Stans, Stans (CH)